Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Steele on Kevin Greene, etc.

A funny moment at Clemson Tuesday, when a reporter asked defensive coordinator Kevin Steele about the brush-up between coaches Sunday in the 49ers-Lions game.

"Stuff happens. I've been choked on national television before,'' Steele said, recalling when he was Carolina Panthers linebackers coach and Kevin Greene grabbed him during a heated sideline discussion.

Years later, Greene is now coaching. That doesn't surprise Steele at all.

"You talk about a fun guy to coach -- he came to work every day and he was smart,'' Steele said. "He was really good working with the younger guys. So he was a coach when he was a player.''

-- Rick Bonnell


Jeannine said...

It will not succeed in actual fact, that is what I think.

Host Pay Per Head said...

haha I remember that, and yeah it was so funny indeed and even when I remember it I still laugh at it! LOL